Gene description for CD37
Gene name CD37 molecule
Gene symbol CD37
Other names/aliases GP52-40
Species Homo sapiens
 Experiment description of studies that identified CD37 in Dendritic cells

Experiment ID270
Identified moleculeprotein
Extracellular vesicle typeMicrovesicles
Identification method Immunoelectron microscopy
PubMed ID 10903724   
OrganismHomo sapiens
Experiment descriptionFollicular dendritic cells carry MHC class II-expressing microvesicles at their surface
AuthorsDenzer K, van Eijk M, Kleijmeer MJ, Jakobson E, de Groot C, Geuze HJ
Journal name J Immunol
Publication year2000
SampleDendritic cells
Sample nameFollicular dendritic cells
Isolation/purification methods-
Flotation density-
Molecules identified in the studyProtein
Methods used in the studyImmunoelectron microscopy
